Adivasi houses broken ignoring Gram Sabha resolution

Blasius Tigga from Surguja in Chhattisgarh has reported in the past about administration demolishing 28 houses in Gangapur village overruling a Gram Sabha resolution. Today he speaks to Sarpanch and affected adivasis who have been living on the land from last more than 50 years. Surguja comes under Schedule 5 of Indian constitution and administration need to consult the Gram Sabha for any land related issue according to PESA law. Tigga Ji can be reached at 09406367804. May be you can also call Panchayat Secretary Mr Dhand at 09981107775

Posted on: Apr 10, 2011. Tags: Blasius Tigga

Govt ignoring Gram Sabhas: Maha Gram Sabha on 7th April

Blasius Tigga from Surguja Chhattisgarh says whole of Surguja district is under 5th schedule of Indian constitution and no land can be taken here without consultation with Gram Sabhas. But administration is continuously ignoring Gram Sabhas. I have reported in the past about breaking of houses of 6 Oraon tribals last week against the advise of Gram Sabha. To protest all this we are organising a Maha Gram Sabha on 7th April in front of collector office in Ambikapur. For more please contact Blasius ji at 09406367804

Posted on: Mar 27, 2011. Tags: Blasius Tigga

Eviction notice to tribals ignoring Gram Sabha objection!

Blasius Tigga of Bharat jan Andolan is telling us about disrespect of Gram Sabha by district administration in Surguja district of Chhattisgarh. He says in Gangapur village Gram Sabha has rejected the proposal of land acquisition by administration but still they have given eviction notice to some tribal families by going against the law which says in any tribal area Gram Sabha must be consulted before any land acquisition. For more please contact Mr Tigga at 09406367804

Posted on: Mar 23, 2011. Tags: Blasius Tigga

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